Track your Focus 

Focus only comes when we are happy with our values because it steers our emotions and behaviours. 

I find that when I drift my focus towards places I don’t find necessary, ultimately, weeks or months down the line, I feel that my mind turns to mush. Especially when I haven’t taken any action, I suppose that anyone with normal sanity would be more likely to act towards something they love or care about. It takes a little extra courage, but at least it’s for a good reason.

I want to talk a little about projection when conducting interviews and meeting someone new for the first time. Other people can sense whether we are genuinely interested depending on specific responses, e.g. our body language, tone of voice, mannerisms and enthusiasm. This is derived from our emotions, so if you hate your job or are unhappy in your relationships, it will eventually show in your demeanour. However, if we naturally love what we do and are happy in our relationships because we have put the time and work into them, that will also show.  

Three methods of focus 

Method one: short-term goals – we can’t predict the future, so I don’t recommend long-term goals, but the steps you take today will ultimately shape your future self. So I would recommend, based on proven concepts, focusing on three key areas of your life as key priorities to sharpen your focus and attain balance, e.g. relationships, health and career

Method two: influence – careful what you watch and are inclined towards as we are social creatures, so the people within our social circles influence us. Read material, research and studies that are objective and scientific. Many people follow uncanny advice from social media influencers who have their issues and give their own biased opinion, and people are attracted to their so-called personalities. Avoid this. 

Method three: Routine – we need routines around our goals otherwise, we fall victim to taking no action as we need that structure and discipline. Routines are normally given to us from school years to working a job until retirement. Even if you get lucky and win a large sum of money, there will be a lot of time and freedom, eventually resulting in boredom and restlessness if you have no routine. To remain focused in the long run, we must add variety to routines by changing things, learning new skills and trying new challenges.

In order to keep the focus sharp, we have to learn to say No to some opportunities, even if they look great, but we have to make sure we finish what was started. This gives us confidence that we are moving forward, as progression equals happiness. Only stagnation results in unhappiness  

The untold truth….

Focus needs to be a enriched into your lifestyle instead of dabbling and going off on a temporary high. The focus should be given to a few things that matter for the long term but stimulate us emotionally. Only then are we being honest, and through time we become confident in ourselves and with others.