Tolerance and relationships

As humans, we can be truly remarkable; we can withstand quite a lot of pressure. In time, we can be even more productive with the aid of skill, experience, and productivity by managing both time and energy levels. We are capable of achieving more within reason.

I have found that in the midst of difficulty, everything can be seen as impossible, more for the inexperienced individual. The emotions can stir up, and things can start to feel slightly overwhelming. We must learn to sit with our emotions and allow certain feelings to settle over time. The consequences can be detrimental as we can convince ourselves into something harmful or talk ourselves out of something that is actually good for us. 

Tolerance is built over time; it matures like fine wine. Through certain periods of time, we need to take some time out, get some breathing space, and come back with a better perspective to take better action. The lack of wisdom makes us spiral downward, unable to deal with a particular situation.

I have learned that sitting with difficult emotions and being present enables me to gain better awareness. Essentially, it is fundamental to ask critical questions like ‘What is the most important action I can take forward’? or What are the consequences of my response? 

This allows a window of time to provide a productive solution, which results in easing the emotions pretty quickly. 

The other way to build tolerance is to ask for help from someone you trust who can give you constructive feedback that is in your best interest. Instead of giving advice based on negative/personal experience, the guidance should help in some way and deep down, you know it, too. 


When it comes to relationships based on modern psychology, nine principles make up a successful relationship; they include: 

  1. Values:  first are values, what is important in your life, what you both agree on is important, can consist of belief systems, culture, religion   
  2. Respect: you have to respect each other views, beliefs, aspirations, interests, desires, accomplishments 
  3. Trust: allow your partner to go into the world and know they will return to you. Trust each other that you won’t be unfaithful
  4. Boundaries: something bugging you, well tell the other person, give each other healthy space, learn to say no at times 
  5. Honesty and vulnerability: be able to express how you feel freely without feeling judged; the relationship should be able to move forward from honest expression
  6. Vision: where are you both going? Respect each other’s personal journey going forward. Are you both aligned towards the future or completely separate in views?
  7. Lifestyle: Are you outgoing or more introverted? Do you like to travel or not? Do you enjoy work? Relationships work better when both parties have similar lifestyles 
  8. Compatibility: there needs to be a strong connection, a good bond, a feeling of sympathy and friendship, and like-mindedness. This is where personalities match or should be similar.  Yes, opposites attract, but they don’t have good long-term relationships. 
  9. Love: then we have love, and that is where the emotions let the magic happen. Focus on the other eight steps before pursuing love. 

I would like to add one more point to the works: always look at how others view and handle life will determine strongly how they take their relationships.  

In essence, if both parties are genuinely emotionally mature, that is all that matters; all nine qualities will be second nature.