Stamina Training

It’s been six months…

I have taken some time out to re-think, readjust and allowed time to sort of bring things together. I realised that life could be summed up as a marathon, not a sprint with highs and lows and those dreaded expectations.

Success is difficult, you can be highly talented with a deadly work ethic and still, no sign of victory is guaranteed. 

‘’Maybe success is subjective like happiness.’’ 

I realise one thing: it takes a lot of resilience and stamina to climb high enough to meet those expectations.  

Sometimes just writing, editing, and publishing a book would be a success for many people. To others, the goal would be to become a New York Times bestseller, and some would measure their success by selling one million copies to satisfy their thirst. 

I have often fallen into the trap of measuring my success by my expectations. It messes with your emotions when you don’t attain worldly success. LOL 

If you allow it, you can fall victim and indulge in worrisome self-pity that feeds on the emotions of feeling shitty. 

Like many, I want the success formula, so I will attempt to outline the keys to success.

Strategize, change course, change with adversity, see unknown opportunities, love pushing past the pain, and endure hardship. Fall on your ass a couple of times and get up a few more, tolerate rejection, feel the sting, remain optimistic by moving forward, ask for advice from proven experts, do thorough research, and be patient because it may take longer than you expect. Be open to many thousands of hours of learning, and be ok with the self-doubt, fear, anxiety, long nights, and the insanity of asking yourself, am I on the right path? 

Almost there

Be creative, think outside the box, do what no one has done before and eventually, you will be successful. 

My super philosophy has always been straightforward choose both your pressure and problems carefully; this is wisdom by some of the greatest minds that have ever lived.  

In the end, you need quite a lot of stamina to achieve success, as it won’t happen overnight. Building the foundations takes time and years, and much work is required. It is essential to measure your success by meaning, not by numbers, as your happiness and emotional well-being will depend on it.