Putting down Boundaries

Society is shaped around people being like an open book, and they will spill the beans about everything by revealing all their deepest darkest secrets. Unfortunately, some people will place their trust with the wrong people, such as their boss or work colleagues and these people will spread gossip to others. Then there are the […]
Gaining Balance

The buddha once quoted that life is all about balance. Growing up, I used to have an all or nothing mentality that created a perfectionism that everything needed to be faultless. I started to see things as one extreme or the other, either you succeed or fail, that there is no middle ground. In my […]
Handling pressure

Everyday pressures lead us to stress, anxiety, worry and frustration, unease, and dissatisfaction. A healthy level of pressure is fundamentally good for us, having no pressure leads to hopelessness, and too much anxiety creates stress. Most of our behaviour is shaped around our emotions, and we develop habits that strengthen this behaviour. This leads us […]
Comparing our Happiness

Often, we can feel like we are working hard towards something that we want to acquire. Going on the path towards making our dreams come true when we are struck with an unexpected bombshell. We find that someone that we know has already attained what we want. For example, someone has already gotten a first […]
Avoidance stops growth

Peace is probably the highest wealth we can experience. I became very focused on my career during my twenties like most people, and I blocked everything else out for several years. Early in my life, I gravitated towards Buddhism and was taught by zen monks how to focus the mind, on one thing at a […]
The virtue of patience

Today’s culture is shaped around the idea of fast results. We want next day Amazon delivery, pizza that arrives in 10mins, speedier internet, and buy ab machines that give us a six-pack in 7 days. It appears everything is becoming faster, which only pisses us off when we must wait if there is some form […]
Being Vulnerable

Marcus Aurelius, during his reign, was the most powerful man in the world, beloved emperor, and successful philosopher. He was left on his death bed, vulnerable with his family around him and ready to take on death. A vulnerable Alexander the great last dying request was to have his body carried by physicians to show […]
The Doormat Syndrome

Monday morning, I came down the stairs to find a massive flood due to a pipe burst. A complete nightmare. A few days later, we called up a well-established flooring company, to call someone out to get a quote for fixtures and fitting. We were guaranteed a quote in 30minutes, it Sounds straightforward. It isn’t, […]
Different Belief systems

I had a co-worker who frazzled my mind with this one-liner that ‘everything happens for a reason’. The context started on the idea that the perfect job comes to you, not the other way round. Only 5 minutes later, I had a massive debate which somehow made the day go faster. My co-worker gave me […]
The Art to Emotional Intellect

The ancient Stoics are known as the ‘school of hardcore philosophy. Virtue’s that included courage, moderation, justice, and wisdom. It’s no wonder the roman empire thrived for over 1,000 years, demonstrating solid judgement, robustness, and warrior-like mentality. I came across Three timeless principles provided by the stoics for handling the emotions better in everyday life. They include: […]