keep the Dial moving

My 2025 Epiphany: Keep it Light, but Keep Pushing Forward I finally had my first major epiphany of 2025, and it’s a simple one: keep it light, but keep the dial moving forward. For a long time, I believed the only path to success was through relentless hard work and exhaustion. The idea that you […]
The Bandwidth

“There I am, fully immersed in my work, and then more work comes along as if I had seen the finishing line, but somehow it’s stretched out further. It feels like the day will be longer than necessary, and my boundaries are slightly shaken. The brain has reached its capacity; I am feeling burned out […]
48 laws of power summarised

Law one: never outshine the master. People above feel comfortably superior. To please the master, don’t go too far in displaying talent, as timing is key. Make the leader appear more brilliant than they look. Law two: Never put too much trust in friends. Learn how to use enemies. Enemies will help you when you […]
Tolerance and relationships

As humans, we can be truly remarkable; we can withstand quite a lot of pressure. In time, we can be even more productive with the aid of skill, experience, and productivity by managing both time and energy levels. We are capable of achieving more within reason. I have found that in the midst of difficulty, […]
The self-dialogue

When you close the door to the world and are left alone with your thoughts, there’s a little voice in your head that talks. No, sorry, I’m not talking about the spirit angel guide; I’m talking about the stories we end up telling ourselves, like trying something new or coming out of our comfort zone. […]
Track your Focus

Focus only comes when we are happy with our values because it steers our emotions and behaviours. I find that when I drift my focus towards places I don’t find necessary, ultimately, weeks or months down the line, I feel that my mind turns to mush. Especially when I haven’t taken any action, I suppose […]
Be Bold Be Brave

Courage is required to face fear; if we don’t face adversity and remain in our comfort zone, we build up anxiety. This then leads to creating excuses, which over a period of time leads to resentment, blame and anger, especially when deep down we still want something. In psychology, there is a profound thought; it’s […]
The Four Pillars of Strength

There are four big lessons I learned in 2022; There are as follows; that Timing is everything, anything worthwhile has no shortcuts, validation is essential for success, and regret is the ultimate failure. When they are all combined, they master death; that’s a joke. But they do work hand in hand. Let’s start with timing; if you hate the activity or wherever you put […]
Learning to Re-adjust

I find that specific goals in life aren’t so straightforward as they require a new strategy, changing beliefs to a new way of thinking, seeking professional advice and sometimes just starting all over. I have watched others’ paths and tried to follow the same course of action, but I quickly lost the drive to continue. […]
A Good Attitude Helps

I came to the awareness that our attitude holds the power to steer out fate. Attitude can be defined as a settled approach to the way of thinking or feeling about something. It’s the paradigm shift that either makes or breaks you. For example, if you have a pessimistic/negative view of everything you do, then […]