I came to the awareness that our attitude holds the power to steer out fate. Attitude can be defined as a settled approach to the way of thinking or feeling about something. It’s the paradigm shift that either makes or breaks you.
For example, if you have a pessimistic/negative view of everything you do, then you can automatically talk yourself out of events that could be considered beneficial.
However, if you see opportunities and seek lifelong learning with an optimistic attitude, then even the smallest of successes will contribute towards your happiness. This will lead you to make more progress.
Please understand that there is a fine line between being all airy fairy happy/pie in the sky and being pragmatic. I always chose the latter.
So what can a good attitude do? Well, it’s essential in developing good relationships, having a great work ethic, going through struggles, handling pressure, overcoming hardships, and dealing with pain or trauma. It can also allow us to appreciate the small things in life, be grateful for what we have, and keep us grounded.
I suppose my biggest problem growing up in my twenties was that I was so single-minded that I developed this all-or-nothing attitude. I couldn’t be open-minded enough to allow new opportunities to come by that might have been beneficial.
A good attitude serves us well
I suppose an excellent attitude steers behaviour; not only does it help us identify our own good character but also how we are projected off to others.
Our attitude not only impacts how we are seen but also affects; our actions, habits, thought processes, how we feel, every decision made and how balanced/peaceful we are with ourselves and the world around us.